Coffee Defect Score Sheet

The Green Coffee Association of New York has published a scoresheet that is universally used for grading coffee by its defects.

Coffee is an agricultural product and is NEVER 100% perfect.

A system for the universal grading of coffee by using defects to count towards an overall score and type classification was developed by the Green Coffee Association of New York and is now used universally by all brokers and importers for grading the coffee they buy.

Although it is technically possible to produce a zero defect coffee, the resulting wastage of coffee beans makes the price very high (or more than many people are willing to pay for coffee).

At Northern Tea Merchants, we buy coffees with low defect scores, usually type 2 or 2/3 depending upon availability and the actual cup profile of the beans in question.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating – and we are sure you will enjoy our range of excellent quality, well-roasted coffees!

COFFEE DEFECT SCORE (as set by The Green Coffee Association, New York, USA)

1 Black Bean = 1 Defect

2 Sour Beans = 1 Defect

2 Parchments = 1 Defect

3 Shells  = 1 Defect

5 Quakers = 1 Defect

5 Unripe Beans = 1 Defect

5 Broken Beans = 1 Defect

2/5 Eaten Beans =1 Defect

1 Pod = 1 Defect

1 Large Husk = 1 Defect

2/3 Small Husks = 1 Defect

1 Small Stone = 1 Defect

1 Medium Stone = 2 Defects

1 Large Stone = 5 Defects

1 Small Twig = 1 Defect

1 Medium Twig = 2 Defects

1 Large Twig = 5 Defects


6 Defects equal type 2

9 Defects equal type 2/3

13 Defects equal type 3

21 Defects equal type 3/4

30 Defects equal type 4

45 Defects equal type 4/5

60 Defects equal type 5

90 Defects equal type 5/6

120 Defects equal type 6

180 Defects equal type 6/7

240 Defects equal type 7

335 Defects equal type 7/8

450 Defects equal type 8

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